Sunday, December 12, 2010

Well, the holidays are in full force and panic has set in.  I realized that next week is my son's last week in pre-school before the holiday which means I have to finish teacher's gifts and classroom treats before Friday.  I am still working out what I will do for the teacher's but know that they will include this yummy treat that I will make for the classroom treats:
                                                                Dipped Pretzel Rods

I make these every year and was so excited to see the recipe on one of my favorite recipe blogs .  Here is the link for anyone that wants to try it for themselves. .  Trust me, they are a hit with everyone (and you will have to restrain yourself from not eating all the treats yourself!) 

Well, that is one holiday to-do that I can check off my list.  Now, what about the teacher's gifts?  I will keep you updated on that as well. Feel free to share any ideas or pictures you have for a fun holiday treat by emailing me at . 

Happy Holidays!

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